Posted by Murtuza Abbas on April 24, 2014 | Views: 1245 | Ratings: 679
O Allah: Do not discipline me by means of Your punishment, And do not subject me to Your planned strategy .
From where do I obtain the bounties, O' Lord, while none can be found except with You, And how can I seek salvation while it can be granted by none but You,
Neither can the good-doer do without Your help and mercy, nor can the sinful one who offended You (when sinning), and displeased You, bypass the realm of Your power and capacity.
O' my Lord, O' my Lord, O' my Lord...(repeat until out of breath)
I knew of You by You, and You directed me to You and called me to You, and without You I would not have known what You are.
All Praise is for Allah whom I call upon with my needs then He answers me, even though I was slow when He calls upon me.
All Praise is for Allah whom I supplicate and He grants me (what I plead for) even though I was stingy when He sought a loan from me.
All Praise is for Allah whom I call upon with my needs whenever I wish, and I entrust Him with my secrets without an intercessor, and He grants me my wishes.
All Praise is for Allah whom I do not plead to anyone but Him, for if I pleaded to others, they would not grant me. All Praise is for Allah who dignified me by becoming the Disposer of my affairs, instead of making me rely on others who then would humiliate me.
All Praise is for Allah who endeared me even though He is not in need of me.
All Praise is for Allah who treats me with clemency, just as if I have no sin.
So my Lord is the most praised by me of all, and most worthy of my praise.
O' Allah! I find the roads of wishes to You wide open, And the rivers of hope to You vast and running, And counting on Your bountifulness (in times of need) for those who wished You freely accessible, And the gates of prayer to those who are disparate, wide ajar, And I know that You are for those who ask You in the position of answer, And for those who are distressed, You are in a posture of rescue. And in disparately seeking Your generosity and being content with Your judgment, I find it compensating from the rejection of the misers, and more satisfying than the handouts of the selfish. And truly traveling to You is short in duration, and You do not veil Yourself from Your creatures unless their own misdeeds would block them from You.
And I have sought You for my wish, and directed my need to You, and I depend on You for my rescue, and I assign my pleading to You by praying to You, doing this while knowing that I am not worthy of Your listening to me nor do I have a right on You to pardon me, but I do so because I trust in Your generosity, and I submit to Your true promise (to answer our prayers) and I take refuge through believing in Your unity, and through my certainty of knowledge about You, that indeed I have no other god or lord but You, only You;
there is no partner for You. O' my Lord! You did say and all of what You say is true and what You promise is unconditional that " O' (believers) ask Allah of His bounty, for Allah is Merciful towards you", And it is not from Your features, O' my Master, to order me to ask and prevent the answer, and You are the Grantor of all bounties on all residents of Your kingdom and the Giver of Your consoling tenderness.
O' my Lord! You have brought me up in Your gifts, and bounties since I was youthful, and elevated my designation as I grew older, So, O' the One who brought me up in this life with His benevolence, bountifulness and blessings, and indicated to me His forgiveness and generosity in the hereafter. My knowledge,
O' my Master, is that which guides me to You and my love is my intercessor to You, and I am trusting of my evidence with Your guidance and comfortable of my intercessor with Your intercession.
I pray to You, O' my master, with a tongue that has been paralyzed by its sin,
O' my Lord, I confide to You with a heart that has been doomed by its mischief; I pray to You, O' my Lord, frightened but wishful, hopeful but fearful If I contemplate my sins,
O' my Lord, I become scared, but when I remember Your generosity I yearn, So, if You forgive, You are the most merciful and if You punish,
You have not unjustly judged. My excuse, O' Allah in my daring to ask You, even though I have committed what You hate, is Your benevolence and generosity, and my preparation for my adversity, given that I lack shyness (in committing sin), is Your forbearance and mercy.
And I am wishful that my hope will not be disappointed, so fulfill my ambition and accept my prayer, O' The Best who was ever prayed to! O' The Most bountiful who was ever wished!
My hope, my Master is ever great, but my deeds have worsened, so grant me from Your pardon by as much as I had hoped, and please, do not judge me by my worst mischief, for Your generosity is greater than punishing the sinners, and Your forbearance and patience is higher than recompensing the inadequates. I am, my Master, seeking refuge through Your bountifulness,
I am escaping from You to You, while anticipating Your promise to forgive those who possessed good convictions toward You.
Who am I, my Lord, and what is my danger! Provide me with Your bounties and grant me charity with Your pardon, O' my Lord, cover me with Your protection and pardon me of my punishment by the honor of you face. For if any one today other than You would have known of my sin, I would not have sinned, And if I feared that You may hasten my punishment, I would have avoided sinning, Not because You are not an important watcher, nor an unworthy onlooker, but because You, my Lord, are the best secret keeper, and the Wisest of all rulers, and Most generous of all generous. O' Protector of secrets! O' Oft-forgiver of sins!
O' Knower of all that is hidden! You protect the secretive sin with Your generosity and You delay my punishment with Your patience, So to You extends all the Praise for having known and yet been patient, and for having pardoned even though You are capable (of punishing).
And what motivates and dares me to disobey You is Your patience with me, and what invites me to the lack of shyness (from You) is Your protection of my (concealed) sins. And what rushes me towards Your forbidden actions is my awareness of the vastness of Your mercy and the greatness of Your forgiveness.
O' Forbearer! O' Generous! O' One who is living and self-subsisting! O' Forgiver of sin! O' Acceptor of repentance! O' Greatest giver of all good!
O' Ancient in bountifulness! I call upon Your beautiful protection of secrets, I call upon Your abundant pardon, I call upon Your neighboring relief, I call upon Your quick rescue, I call upon Your vast mercy and compassion, I call upon Your bountiful gifts, I call upon Your blessed awards, I call upon Your splendid favors, I call upon Your immense bountifulness, I call upon Your enormous endowments, I call upon Your ancient benefaction, I call upon Your benevolence, O' Most Generous.
By it (what I mentioned of Your features) I seek Your rescue, and by Your compassion, please relieve me. O' Benevolent! O' Creator of beauty! O' Benefactor! O' Bountiful! I do not depend on our (good) deeds to achieve salvation from Your punishment, rather I trust it to Your bountifulness toward us, for You are the Lord of righteousness and the Lord of forgiveness.
You initiate Your giving through Your graciousness and You pardon sin with Your generosity, and we do not know what we should praise more, is it the beauties that You distribute or the sins whose secretiveness You protect, or the greatness of what You have granted and fulfilled or the many misfortunes You have averted and ills You have cured. O' The lover of whomever endeared You!
O' The delight of the eye of who sought You for refuge and dedicated himself to You! You are the well doer and we are the sinners, So pardon, O' my Lord, the ugly that we have with the beauties that You have, And what ignorance, O' my Lord, can not be accommodated by Your benevolence? And what era is longer than Your patience? And what significance is our deeds compared with Your awards?
And how can we hail our good deeds when we observe Your generosity? Yet how can sinners despair when they are encompassed by Your vast mercy?
O' Vast Forgiver! O' Extender of both hands with mercy!
I swear with Your exalted might, O' Master, that if You rebuked me, I would not depart from Your door, and I won't cease to compliment You since I have indeed come to grasp the knowledge of Your generosity and benevolence, And You are the doer of whatever You desire, You punish whomever You wish, with whatever You wish, and however You wish, and You bestow Your mercy on whomever You wish, with whatever You wish, and however You wish, You are never questioned about Your doings, neither is there any struggle in Your kingdom, nor is there any partnership in Your command, or conflict in Your judgment, and no one can oppose You in Your disposition of affairs, To You belongs all of the creation and command, Indeed Allah, the Most Glorious, is the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds. O' my Lord!
This is the posture of the one who sought refuge through You and allied himself with Your generosity, and became accustomed to Your forbearance and favors, And You are the benevolent whose forgiveness is never strained, neither are Your bounties ever decreasing, nor is Your mercy ever lacking, And we have known with certainty of Your ancient pardon, great bountifulness and vast mercy,
Would You, O' Allah, ever disappoint our thoughts or let down our hopes? No never, O' Most Generous! for it is not what we expect of You, nor is it what we aspire for, O' Allah, we have a greater and ever lasting hope in You,
We anticipate prolonged and immense prospect in You, We anticipate great desire in You, We disobeyed You and now we wish that You protect our secret (sins), And we prayed to You and we hope You would answer us, So fulfill our aspiration, O' our Master,